Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Portfolio Project: Pre-Production - Prop Design

     My partner and I want to decorate our set as a designated spot for fashion photoshoots which the premise behind what our story is going to be about. We want the walls to be covered in posters that represent fashion and other prominent photoshoots. To accomplish this, we want aesthetic posters from Vogue, InStyle, etc. to line the walls in order to show that this photoshoot is very important and the main character is a serious model. This also helps depict an environment that most viewers would not expect to become the setting for something creepy like a power outage or the screams that follow. Although, we have run into minor setbacks when it comes to actually getting these props.



        While we were able to find posters that resembled the ones that we would like to display, they were quite expensive on Amazon and thought that it would be better if we just created them ourselves. In order to do so, we will be either designing to find designs that we feel would look good for our set and we will be using cheap services at Walgreens, CVS, or Office Depot in order to get them printed on poster sized paper. We felt that this would ultimately be more rewarding, and we could keep them as decorations for our own homes after we conclude the filming of the project. This allows us also to get more personalized designs that we love rather than just the ones that come with the sets that we have seen online. 

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Critical Reflection

        Upon beginning the approximately 8-week process of creating my final media project of my high school career, I made it a point to do...