My project partner and I are in the editing process, and we have been taking the time to finalize the title of our production and the fonts of the writing that will appear in our opening as well as what our credits are going to look like. We decided that to fit the essence of our film, we wanted to use the Vogue font for all the words that will appear on screen during the duration of our film opening. We knew that we needed to come up with a title as well as a production company and film company. We wanted to add this to make our film opening more realistic.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Portfolio Project: Post - Production - Title & Fonts
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Portfolio Project: Production - Filming
On March 25th my partner and I were able complete all of our shooting and begin the editing process in order to finish our project as soon as possible. We will soon begin our respective CCR projects which we will be doing by ourselves with the help of those around us. The filming process went well with the only issue being the camera dying and having to be charged while we tried to finish one of our final shots. However, we quickly got it charged and were able to finish the shots we needed before I had to leave for work that day.
Friday, March 24, 2023
Portfolio Project: Production - Structure
With Scream VI coming out, I have being going back to watch the entire series and have gotten a lot of inspiration that I hope we can employ in our own film opening. We had an idea that when the lights go off we want to just hear a scream to add the thriller aspect. I have begun thinking that this could be the title card similar to that of Scream I (50) Scream Movie Titles - YouTube. Following that title card, I want it to show a few seconds from the beginning of the story starting with how the model had originally got the job which leaves the audience wanting to know what happens next and what led to the lights going out.
We are meeting up together today to get some shooting done that needs two people. We have planned out what we want to do very detailed which will hopefully make this a very easy and stress-free filming process that leaves us much time to finish editing and completing our CCRs that will hopefully be completed by the end of the week. I plan to work on my PowerPoint CCR tonight when I get back home from work while continuing to watch the Scream series so that I can go see Scream VI in theaters tomorrow which is my first day off in a week.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Portfolio Project: Production - Title
We have yet to come up with a title that is appropriate for our film. We hope that the name will come to us as we complete the filming process but I'm thinking that we will be able to link it photography which is the driving issue that is pushing the plot forward. I'm thinking that the title card will be towards the end of film open and it will be after the lights go out in the studio that this will take place in.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Portfolio Project: Production - Setbacks
My partner and I have not been able to meet to complete the filming that must be done with us together which has provide to be a major setback in the creation of our project. She has been on a trip with her family over spring break while I have been at work almost everyday. This has led us to set up our time for filming to be on March 25 where we hope to get any shots that need to be done together done in the time we have before I'm back to work at 6:30 p.m. We believe that we will be able to get it done which gives us the rest of the time to get our CCRs completed.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Portfolio Project: Production - CCR Creation
I have begun creating my CCR PowerPoint via Canva because I wanted to be able to film and record both of them as soon as possible after our film opening is finished. I have decided on a template Beige Minimalist Business Talking Presentation - Video Presentation ( for my presentation that will have a voiceover. I will be using this presentation to answer the more simple questions that Cambridge poses for the creators of these projects. I really like the template that I have chosen and I feel like it captures the creative essence that we hope shows through our project itself.
I have decided that for my video media I would like to recreate an episode of Vanity Fair's costume breakdown. I want to do this because I am very interested in the costume aspect of the entertainment industry and I feel that this would be a very good way to showcase that while still being able to answers the questions that are supposed to be answered throughout by CCR products. I find these videos very interesting to watch and hope that I can recreate one that is also very interesting and is full of the information that needs to be there.
Friday, March 17, 2023
Portfolio Project: Pre-Production - Plans
My partner and I have decided that since Spring Break has started that we will do our filming this weekend so that we can begin our editing and CCRs. We hope to complete all of our filming in the time that we have so that we can begin all of the post-production aspects that need to be done as well. We have spent more than enough time planning and we believe that we are ready for a very production filming experience that we hope will go quickly due to our amount of preparation.
I have decided that for my CCRs I want to make one a video that resembles interviews like Hot Ones or Vogue's welcome to my closet type videos. I also what to create a presentation with a voiceover as my second media type because I enjoy making presentations and believe that I can get my point across effectively by presenting my information in slide format while speaking over it and elaborating on my bullet points.
Sunday, March 12, 2023
Portfolio Project: Pre- Production - Casting
My partner and I have been finding it difficult to find a actress to be in our film opening. Originally, I wanted to see if any of the actors in AMT 3/4 would be able to help us with the filming of our video. However, that has proven to be more difficult than I anticipated with the show having been this past week, and states coming up in just 3 days. We have thought of a few other options but we must figure out a schedule that will best work for both our actor and us as the filmmakers. We also want to make certain that our actor fits the represented group that we would like to star.
We hope to be filming by the start of spring break and we able to use this week off in order to edit and begin work on our CCRs which will also have to be edited. This means that we have to lock down our actor very soon in order to prep them for the scenes we will need to film. My partner will continue to discuss this in class tomorrow and try to determine exactly who we believe will be the best fit for our video and match the mood boards that we have created for our character(s).
Saturday, March 11, 2023
Portfolio Project: Pre- Production - Filming Schedule
So far, my partner and I have not been able to get together to get anything film. This has been a major setback, because we have both been so busy. We have had many lockdowns that have effected our class time together which limits the amount of work that we are able to get done. It is also the beginning of testing season, so as juniors we have had to take time out of class to take the SAT and other college related testing/information. Personally, I have been staying after school everyday day for the past two weeks getting our school play Legally Blonde ready. Being a pivotal part of tech for this production, which for me means putting mics on actors and switching them when necessary as well as helping with set movement, means that I have not had much time to myself that I can dedicate to other projects. However, closing night was last night meaning my schedule has become free once again.
Due to this, my partner and I have decided that we would like to begin our filming on March 16th. This is the beginning of spring break which means that we will both be free to be able to focus on the project and getting the shots that we need. We hope to get a much done in one as possible but we can also continue working on the 17th and if needed we can work during the following week. This will give us over a week to edit and reshoot if needed. We will also be planning out our CCRs and getting those filmed and edited following the production of our film opening.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Portfolio Project: Pre- Production - Music
My partner and I wanted to find copyright free music instead of having to communicate with artists in order to gain permission for copyright music. We felt that this would work for our project without having to take amount of time out of producing this project that would go into waiting for permission to use the music. Our plot is no very music driven and any sound of music would work for the project that we are trying to create which allows us more freedom when searching for the music that we would like to use.
My partner found a website called Thematic that offers a wide variety of copyright free music that is available for download and provides exactly what their license agreement is for using this music. This may include a written credit statement that can easily be copied and pasted onto whatever platform you will distribute the video onto. We have been looking, and have found many good options for our video and once we get into the filming, we will be able to pick which song fits the vibe of the film opening the best.
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Portfolio Project: Pre-Production - CCR Brainstorming
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Portfolio Project: Pre-Production - Prop Design
My partner and I want to decorate our set as a designated spot for fashion photoshoots which the premise behind what our story is going to be about. We want the walls to be covered in posters that represent fashion and other prominent photoshoots. To accomplish this, we want aesthetic posters from Vogue, InStyle, etc. to line the walls in order to show that this photoshoot is very important and the main character is a serious model. This also helps depict an environment that most viewers would not expect to become the setting for something creepy like a power outage or the screams that follow. Although, we have run into minor setbacks when it comes to actually getting these props.
While we were able to find posters that resembled the ones that we would like to display, they were quite expensive on Amazon and thought that it would be better if we just created them ourselves. In order to do so, we will be either designing to find designs that we feel would look good for our set and we will be using cheap services at Walgreens, CVS, or Office Depot in order to get them printed on poster sized paper. We felt that this would ultimately be more rewarding, and we could keep them as decorations for our own homes after we conclude the filming of the project. This allows us also to get more personalized designs that we love rather than just the ones that come with the sets that we have seen online.
Critical Reflection
Upon beginning the approximately 8-week process of creating my final media project of my high school career, I made it a point to do...
During class I got to meet with a group in order to discuss my project and get ideas from outside perspectives. I found this to be ver...
I have been thinking a lot about what I will be posting on my social media account and what connect i want to share from the creation ...
Hello! I'm Grace! I'm a current junior in high school. I've created this blog to document my creative process through AICE Med...