Going into the product of our documentary, I was able to view and become inspired by many different types of documentaries that all provided different examples of techniques that can be used within a documentary. I found this incredibly helpful when my group and I started working on our own documentary. As seen primarily in Exit Through the Gift Shop, my group and I wanted to use indirect interviews as we felt that this would be the most seamless way to connect all of the information that was being shared. Furthermore, we felt, similar to Exit Through the Gift Shop, that because our interviewees were going to be adults, that they would be able to effectively restate the question within their answer.
The second most important technique that we knew we had to incorporate within our documentary was the use of a voiceover to communicate the information that wouldn’t be gathered through the interviews. This consisted of research and data that we gathered on the topic in order to introduce our topic of book bans to those who are viewing the documentary, especially those who may not be particularly familiar with the topic that is being discussed. This voiceover contributed to the nature of the documentary as a commentary or opinion piece as we discuss a widely controversial topic. Through the discussion of such a controversial topic, we hoped to bring in an audience of individuals who were open to taking in the information and willing to understand how book bans may be impacting different people and societal groups.
Our intended audience is anyone who is interested in learning about book bans and examining what the impacts of this may be on their own education and life. We hope that this documentary may aid in getting the information out to more people, especially students who may not even realize what is going on and how the banning of certain books may have an immense impact on what they are able to learn and how they are able to learn it. It was important to us that we were able to share how these bans have been impacting teacher’s. Teaching is one of the most difficult jobs to have and the increased banning has required teachers begin rethinking aspects of their curriculum to abide by the ever changing restrictions that are being placed on books and teachable topics.
I believe that this perspective coming from teachers may have a bigger impact on the possibility that changes may be made in order to decrease the books being banned and what this is beginning to do to the teacher's curriculum. Having teachers as subjects is also effective at getting our student audience members to listen to the information as it is coming from those who they are used to listening and learning from. Within the presentation of our idea, we tried to incorporate elements that would interest us and engage us in a topic that may not be the most interesting, but it ultimately very important to know about. I think the ability to connect important topics to people, such as book bans, and have different voices be heard through my work is my ultimate goal and I feel like I was able to accomplish that pretty well within this documentary.
I feel as though many of the policies that are enforced within schools, especially in Florida where I get my education, are done without the input of those whom it will impact. This is why I felt that it was very important to incorporate the voices of teachers who may not be listened to very often when in conversations about policies that directly affect them and their ability to carry out their task of educating the youth. I think through this I was able to accomplish the aspect of my brand that works to give a voice to those who may not have one in various fields. However, I do believe that there are many ways that I would have been able to make the documentary align even more with the brand that I am hoping to create.
Part of what we discussed during the planning of our documentary was whether or not we should incorporate the aspects of race and equality within our discussion of what topics are being censored. We ultimately determined that in order to keep our within the allotted time, that beginning this heavy conversation would not be compatible and we would not be able to flesh out the entirety of our ideas without going well over the time that we were given. However, I felt that if we had been able to accomplish having this conversation it would have aligned the documentary more with my brand and what I hope to achieve through my work. We gave a lot of thought to this and it remains a topic that I find very interesting, but we felt that it would not fit exactly what we were trying to say within this piece.
That being said, within this documentary it was still important to us to show what groups were being primarily targeted and what topics may be at risk for review. While we knew we could not have an entire discussion on what groups were being censorship, in giving examples of books such as the Bluest Eye we were able to introduce that topics such as race, sexuality, etc. may be in jeopardy or already under attack as a result of the books that are being ban and removed from public schools, libraries, etc. As I said before, I still feel that we may have been able to have been able to do more where representation is concerned if we had expanded more on these specific groups, but doing so would have felt rushed.
I am ultimately very proud of what we were able to accomplish with the use of classic documentary techniques and the discussion of important topics. While I felt that some aspects could have been better, I believe that this was a very good start in our documentary journey.
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