I have begun editing which I believe will be the hardest part for me throughout this entire project as I have never been the most advanced where editing is concerned. I will be using adobe premiere which present even more challenges as I am more well versed in using IMovie. However, I wanted to challenge myself to use the more advanced platform that I believe may help my documentary look more professional that I believe that IMovie would be.
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Portfolio Project: Editing
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Portfolio Project: Music
I have begun looking into potential music that I could add to my documentary. I am looking for slow, sadder music that will match the tone of my documentary topic. I am leaning toward having music with no words to it as to not take away from the topic at hand and the information that is being shared within the documentary itself. While I yet to pick the specific song that I will be using in my documentary, I know what I am looking for in a song and will have one picked by the end of the week.
I have been looking at websites such as https://pixabay.com/music/ in order to find some options that I will be choosing from in order to pick the perfect one to fit the tone of my docuseries. This has proved to be slightly difficult as thus far I have been unable to find the perfect song for me, but I will continue looking and gathering options.
Monday, March 25, 2024
Portfolio Project: Filming
I have completed the filming of my interview and have gathered some b-roll of my subject as well. My interview came out to about 5 minutes and 30 seconds of footage. I am really happy about how it came out and the answers that I was able to get as I felt that this was exactly what I was I looking for when I decided the subject that I would be doing my interview with.
I was also able to get some b-roll with my subject that I will be adding to the documentary as well along with the neutral b-roll that I have been gathering as well. I am pretty happy with how this project is turning out thus far and moving forward I will be focusing on the social media, editing, and beginning my print component.Sunday, March 24, 2024
Portfolio Project: B-roll
I have been trying to get decent b-roll that has some movement to it without have to have my subject in it consistently. I want to add some variety in shots that don't require people to be in it. However, I do intend to stage some b-roll with my subject as well. I want shots such as her walking through Weston Town Center looking around. I will continue to gather as much b-roll as I possible can so that when I begin editing this upcoming week I will have plenty to choose from.
Recently, it had been raining and I though that this would be a perfect time to gather some tone specific b-roll. I will be mapping out how I want my b-roll shots to go in order throughout the documentary.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Portfolio Project: Voiceover Recording
In order to be able to edit during spring break, I dedicated today to recording my voiceover. This voiceover will likely be the first voice that is heard during the opening of the documentary. While for my groups documentary project we had my mom record the voiceover, due to the fact that she will be my subject, I will be voice on the voiceover instead. I have done this to give a distinct contrast in the voices that will be heard throughout the duration of the documentary.
I made my voiceover a little more professional with an emphasis on statistics, because I believe that this will match how my subject will be responding to my questions. My subject has been using her free time turning this story into book form so believe that she will answer my questions more professionally than a casual documentary. Understanding this I want to have the tone of the voiceover match that of the interviewee.Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Portfolio Project: Filming & Social Media
I will be filming my interview with my subject this weekend to be able to use the entirety of the week of spring break to edit and begin work on my print component and begin thinking about my critical reflection. I will also be going out and gathering some b-roll in public. I hope to be able to capture families and couples that would connect with the subject of my documentary. I believe that Weston Town Center would be a great location to gather b-roll of people out to each with their families and loved ones.
Additionally, I have been going through some old CDs to find more pictures to add to my social media. I was able to find some that I believe will connect with the topic well. I will be using Canva to format these photos to be posted on my social media. I also want to create quotes and other photos, likely inspirational, to post on my social media similar to what is seen on the Abstract. I believe that the addition of these quotes will add the element of hope and possibility of healing that I hope my documentary would be able to bring.
So far these are some of the pictures I have found. I hope to transform them all into pictures for Instagram such as the polaroid format that I was able to accomplish with one of the pictures. I believe that this format adds a bit of nostalgia and looking back on the past which is ultimately where I will start with introducing all of my subjects.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Portfolio Project: Social Media Posts
I have been thinking a lot about what I will be posting on my social media account and what connect i want to share from the creation of this project. My account's username is afterlifedocumentary as I found may projects that are shared on Instagram do this for movies, documentaries, etc. I have continued looking at the social media accounts for various projects even some that are not documentary, but well made movie accounts as well. I have found seme great inspiration and hope to put some of the elements that I have seen to use.
My first inspiration is the Instagram account created for the new Bob Marley biopic. The creators made a point to establishes the perfect colors for their brand and use them throughout the entire page which I intend to do with my own. I also believe that this page really gave an insight into the story that was going to be told within the movie itself.
Lastly, due to the nature of my documentary topic, I believe that is important to emphasize the idea of memories and remembrance, in order to accomplish this, I will be using templates such as the polaroid above within my social media to share photos and memories that relate to the topic of each episode that I will be posting about. I believe that this will pair well with the tone of my piece.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Portfolio Project: Completing My Script & Questions (Content warning)
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Portfolio Project: Print Media Research
The first example of a magazine article that I have found regarding a documentary, was one by The New Yorker. This articles centered around Michael Moore, a prominent film maker turned political activist that has stunned the nation with his work. His most eye opening piece came in the form of his documentary Bowling For Columbine. This magazine article goes into the career of Michael Moore giving an insight into his career and the impact that his documentary has made on the nation that has been affected.
Within this deep dive into the life of Michael Moore we come to understand that following the attention that Bowling for Columbine received, and the use of this in debates surrounding gun laws or the lack thereof, he has continued to champion change with the United States and beyond. He shares his views on abortion, gay rights, the war in Iraq, etc. and uses his now enlarged platform to endorse candidates that agree with these ideals as well. He works to mobilize voters, and encourage others to use their voices in the most influential way possible by going out and voting for those who will actually make the changes that they want to see.
This article shows a fantastic way to discuss the filmmaker responsible for making the documentary, and allowing readers to see the full picture surrounding the creation of the project and what the director continues to do in relation to the documentaries topic/issue.
The following article that I found was one that was discussing the documentary American Promise. I am familiar with this documentary as my class watched it in class during our documentary unit. The primary focus of this article was to discuss the topic at hand. This includes a sharp focus on the challenges that the boys within the film faced during their experience through the school system. This article shifts focus from the implications of the parents navigating such a delicate age with their children, to the children navigating their lives as young black men, specifically Idris whom goes to a predominantly white school.
This article took a different approach and maintained focus on the topic that is discussed within the documentary which I believe that I may want to do with my own magazine article that I will begin constructing after I film my documentary.
This articles were both made digital meaning that I was unable to see the spread that they would occupy with a print magazine so to compensate, I have been researching magazine spreads in order to get an idea of what I want mine to look like when I create it. It has to take up two pages and I intend to use a significant number of pictures as I believe that this makes the spread all that much more engaging. I also find the pulling out of quotes to be rewritten in larger font that uniform to be very interesting when reading an article which I hope to incorporate as well.
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Portfolio Project: Questions and Script
I have been having trouble with coming up with what to write for my voiceover and my interview questions. I would like to have these done at the start of the new week so that I will be able to complete the actual interview and continue getting b-roll and post on my social media. I have started my script and my questions, but have been stumped as to what I should be writing. I hope to dedicate tomorrow to completely these, and then set up a time during which I can interview my mom which shouldn't be too difficult.
to topic:
“In the United States, over 900,000 people
lose their spouses making more than 13.7 million people widowed, with the vast
majority being women.
So far, this is what I have written for the voiceover. I don't intend for the voiceover to be long; however, I think that I want it to mostly consist of statistics and information that relates to my topic. I am having even more trouble with coming up with the questions that I will be asking during the interview as I already know of everything my mom will be sharing and I am unsure of what exactly I should be asking. I want my documentary excerpt to begin at the start of the episode thus my subject will have to introduce themselves and their story, but I am unsure of how I will be going about this.
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Portfolio Project: Title, Theme, and Social Media
I have decided that the name of my documentary series with will be "After Life." I believe that this name sums up the content of my project. I have decided that it was best to separate the words to remove the theme and connotation of my project from any spiritual nature as this is not what I was aiming for and rather a focus on the aftermath that comes from losing a loved one. I have thought a significant amount about what my name with be, and I believe that this name is the perfect fit for what I was going for.
To make my social media uniform and create a theme surrounding my project I want to work primarily with the colors of blue, grey, and black. I believe that these colors create the tone that I will be going for within my documentary as the topic with be overwhelmingly melancholy and primarily sad. These colors with go well with the tone of the information that is being shared. I intend to have my subject wearing these colors as well within her interview in order to ensure that the tone is uniform between my documentary and my social media.
Monday, March 4, 2024
Portfolio Project: Group Meeting
During class I got to meet with a group in order to discuss my project and get ideas from outside perspectives. I found this to be very helpful in expanding some of my ideas and getting input from others who may have different ideas than what I have thought of thus far. Some of my biggest setbacks at the moment are coming up with the name for my project which I will need in order to continue my social media platform. I was able to get a few good ideas from the members of my group that I will be considering for the name of my documentary series. Another setback has been what I will be doing for b-roll which I was also able to get ideas for.
During the group meeting I was also very inspired by the projects of my fellow group members and how far they have come with their projects. I will be putting some of their suggestions for me into my project and continuing to think about my project title. My thought that I should be finalizing my questions and my voiceover script this week was reenforced which is primarily what I will focusing on this week in hopes of getting to be filming the interviews by next week.
During this meeting I was also able to discuss who I will be interviewing, and I am hoping to get two interviews that will be seen in my 5 minutes excerpt. One will be the main subject, my mom, and the other I am hoping to get one of my brothers to sit for a short interview discussing their perspective of my mom's experiences. However, I will have a relatively small window of time to interview the brother that I believe would provide the best answers as he lives in Orlando full time, but will be visiting this weekend.
I expressed that I will be conducting all indirect interviews, and with some input I decided that it may be cool if I am able to get the interviews from various perspectives and angles to make my documentary more visually appealing. All in all, I felt that this group meeting was very beneficial, and provided me with a lot of ideas for how to move forward with my project.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
Portfolio Project: Social Media
For my social media page, I have decided to go with an Instagram page. Due to my target audience being millennials, and Instagram being one of their most used social media sites, I felt that this would be the best place to promote my documentary. During my research, the documentaries that I was coming across most often had an Instagram page above anything else. Furthermore, I believe that this will allow me versatility with what I am able to post including photos and videos. I think this will also allow me to interact better with an audience in terms of my social media posts.
On my account throughout the remaining duration of this project, I intend to post photos and videos relating to each of my documentary episodes and subjects. However, I will be focusing on the subject that I will be filming for my final project. I hope to share snippets of these stories that would encourage viewers to watch my documentary and help those who may have experienced some of the same tragedies to feel seen and understood. I will be starting my Instagram today!!
Critical Reflection
Upon beginning the approximately 8-week process of creating my final media project of my high school career, I made it a point to do...
During class I got to meet with a group in order to discuss my project and get ideas from outside perspectives. I found this to be ver...
I have been thinking a lot about what I will be posting on my social media account and what connect i want to share from the creation ...
Hello! I'm Grace! I'm a current junior in high school. I've created this blog to document my creative process through AICE Med...